Voňavé meditácie

Voňavé meditácie vám pomôžu rýchlejšie odbúrať problémy  psychického rázu alebo fyziologické. Vedomie vie vyliečiť všetky rany, myseľ je telo, telo je myseľ – nad nimi visí silný vládca „vedomie“. Ale telo a myseľ sú jeden celok. Ak meditáciou dosiahneme stav, že vedomie sa stane pánom telamysle, a nie naopak, ako to vo väčšine prípadov býva, získavame úplnú kontrolu nad svojou mysľou a nad svojim telom. A tie, ako jednotný celok sa vzájomne ovplyvňujú. Vylieč svoj telesný problém a zrazu pocítiš úľavu s niečím psychologickým, čo ťa trápilo. Odstráň svoje strachy, žiarlivosť alebo závisť, a zrazu sa zbavíš aj problémov s kĺbmi, s trávením, či srdcom.

Všetko tu je prepojené.

Tento úžasný mechanizmus TELOMYSEĽ nám vie slúžiť, ak ho začneme vedome ovládať.

Rok vydania: 2017

Between by Sara Polmar

A personal response to Oslo’s Vigeland Park (the world’s largest sculpture garden devoted to a single artist), this patinated bronze vase explores the relationship between the organic and the man-made. The openings around the vase form a frame for the flowers or plants within it, creating a juxtaposition between the grounded weight and seemingly eternal character of the object and the changing and changeable nature of its contents.


Design Project by Sara Polmar

A personal response to Oslo’s Vigeland Park (the world’s largest sculpture garden devoted to a single artist), this patinated bronze vase explores the relationship between the organic and the man-made. The openings around the vase form a frame for the flowers or plants within it, creating a juxtaposition between the grounded weight and seemingly eternal character of the object and the changing and changeable.


Design Project by Sara Polmar

Neither a sofa nor an armchair, Between is a prototype seat that invites different ways of sitting, either alone or with others. The seat, back and armrest are upholstered in Norwegian wool (the textiles can be altered to make new colour combinations) and are designed in different shapes to create structural contrasts. Between is designed for both the contract and home market, and can easily be developed into a series of seating for one, two or more people.

Client: Neither a sofa nor an armchair

Art direction: Elie Pullum

Website: sarapolmar.no

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