The Jerronime Health Centre in cooperation supports the establishment of alternative medicine centres or, in the first place, centres where classical medicine cooperates with alternative forms, whose goal is A HEALTHY HUMAN AS A WHOLE.
Not human part or human body or human mind/psyche, but the whole altogether.
This is how it has been understood and used in practice since ever – whether we talk about Indian medicine or Chinese medicine, which is the closest to the classical medicine as we know it today. The founder of the classical medicine, the famous Greek doctor Hippocrates, based his approach on the fundamental rule that the human body is a unified whole, and that it is not possible to cure the consequences without knowing the cause.
Today’s classical medicine has diverged significantly from the original approach; it focuses only on one “specialised area” while the human body does not work like that.
Our effort is to reconnect the systems of the human body. We try to create a bridge between classical medicine and alternative forms, a bridge between “psykhe“ and “sóma“ – the mind and the body.
In the world of today, soma has a great influence and causes a vast majority of diseases.
Most of all, we try to get people to listen to their body and soul, to rather prevent illnesses before it is late, to be aware of the consequences, causes and related phenomena, so that they can become a doctor to themselves.
We provide excellent forms of diagnostics and treatments that remove the deep down buried “bugs in the program” and then, after their removal, they bring miraculous results.
Take care of yourself and your body!
Learn about this miraculous mechanism given to us by the universe.
Experience the treatment that always takes you as a whole and uncovers the fundamental sources of your problems.
Who is here for you?
We are looking forward to you.