We all wish to stay young, full of energy and vital…
We all understood lately that a plastic surgery will no guarantee our BEAUTY forever, because our INNER AGIENG will sooner or later take our YOUTH, VITALITY and will show visible mark also outside …
THE ONLY WAY is to STOP the AGEING process by keeping healthy BODY, MIND and SPIRIT.
The KME TECHNOLOGY is looking after all those aspects.
BECOME RULER or your life, stop LIFE RULING YOU!
KME Technology:
This is the artificial intelligence system, your personal assistant in healthy lifestyle.
This is the screening integrative medicine system intended for those who think of their health and follow the scientific development.
Holistic approach to assessment of the actual health condition.
Opportunity for purposeful health reserve management.
Cloud technology is the basis of our prompt and reliable support. We guarantee the system stable operation, safe use and training.
The KME system allows you to assess the current state of the human body.
The System uses a particular computer program ERI™-Qlife, based on the principles “artificial intelligence” and semantic analysis.
The basis of the physical principle of the KME System is one of the laws of physics that any matter consists of a substance and a field. And these two parts of Matter are inseparable.
Any processes occurring in the substance of Matter are reflected in the dynamics of its field changes. And vice versa, changes in the field dynamics are reflected in the changing aspects of processes in the Matter substance.
The dynamic strength of the electric field is one of the essential indicators of changes occurring in Matter.
The KME transforms the body’s field strength into a mathematical model in the form of a set of different markers. The System database contains reference markers of different processes and states.
Using the KME System, the recorded (scanned) set of human field markers is compared with a set of reference markers, looking for their degree of similarities.
Considering the interrelation of the field changes with the dynamics of the processes in the Matter, the KME System implements a new approach in maintaining the regulatory balance in the body. This approach is based on regulating the balance of physiological processes in the organism by adjusting the electric field strength of these processes.
Key steps towards active longevity in the KME system:
A path to active longevity is a systematic, consistent and regular care of one’s health. Implementation of the project “Active Longevity” implies the necessity of drawing up and implementing a personal program for control, maintenance, and correction of health issues. While developing and promoting the project “Active Longevity,” the KME allows conducting regular assessment of the state of a person’s overall condition, taking measures for timely correction to balance all body functions and systems.
Assessment of the state of the body’s functional systems:
– Assessment of the state of organs and tissues within functional systems
– Assessment of the state of the nervous system.
– Assessment of hormonal balance.
– Assessment of the body’s immune status.
– Assessment of adaptation reserves of functional systems and organs.
Assessment of psychological state:
– Reactions to external and internal psychological factors.
– Degree of stress – loads.
– Formed psychological programs.
– The main reasons for the formation of the depressive states
– Formed mechanisms of psychological defense.
Psychological state is represented not only by emotional state, but also impacts to health and social adaptation. KME allows to identify connection between personal psychological characteristics and interconnections with society; and impact of environment to these processes that finally makes effect on functional state of human health.
Recommendations for correction of traditional methods and components of a healthy lifestyle (HLS):
– Food products.
– Products that support activate or slow down the metabolism.
– Selection of necessary micro-and macro-nutrients, vitamins.
– Drainage (excretory function of the body), removal of excess and toxic metabolites.
– Recommendations on physical activity.
The KME system can balance the physiological and psychological processes by using its “Compensatory Correction” feature. The “Compensatory correction” feature can be used to restore the balance of physical and mental processes. It is based on the effect of the interrelation of the active processes in the body correlating them with their corresponding electric field outcomes. It does not introduce anything foreign to this process, providing only self-restoration of the normal physiological process.
Whom the KME – Anti-аging is intended for:
FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://en.kmedex.eu
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